When you visit Choices for Children and Family, you’ll experience dentistry in a new light. Our entire team is dedicated to changing lives by providing the customized, caring dentistry that patients truly want. We will ask you about your past dental experience and the goals you have in mind for your smile. Through comprehensive oral healthcare, modern dental techniques in cosmetic dentistry and restoration dentistry, and our continuing pursuit of excellence, we will provide you and your loved ones with advice, direction, and services that will give you a reason to share your smile with the world.

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Dental Exams & Cleanings

At least twice a year, all patients should get a professional exam and teeth cleaning to remove tartar and stains for dental health.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

To seal small areas of decay in the teeth, composite resin fillings match the shape and color of the natural teeth.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants help to stop cavities by forming a barrier over the molars that blocks plaque, tartar, and bacteria.

Smile Makeover

For a complete smile makeover, cosmetic and restorative procedures are performed based on the patient’s unique needs.

Dental Bridges

To create a strong fit, a dental bridge is attached to a crown that is placed over an adjacent natural tooth.

Tooth Extraction

Teeth damaged beyond repair may require nonsurgical or surgical tooth extraction to restore oral health and function.

We Accept Most Insurances!

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